Every year at Christmas, Added Bytes and our good friends at clockworkTalent have a delightful, festive, Awful Bauble competition. Here are the entrants from the last two years.
Why do we have a handbook, what’s in it, and why do we make it publicly available?
Unlimited holiday is a lovely idea with a solid set of benefits to both employer and employee, but it’s not without its problems. Here is how we approach holidays at Added Bytes.
We are very pleased to announce that our latest project, ApolloPad, has now gone into public beta!
As of right now, I’m going it alone. A wise choice with a baby on the way? Perhaps not, but time will tell!
We’re ready to unveil our latest project – Readability-Score.com! Way, way back in 2004, I wrote a piece of code to analyze the readability of text using the various algorithms that had been developed for the task. I made a small but useful tool to analyse readability and threw it up on the site, not giving […]