Every year at Christmas, Added Bytes and our good friends at clockworkTalent have a delightful, festive, Awful Bauble competition. The winner is whichever bauble the most entrants choose, based on which we would least like to put on our own tree.
Last year’s offerings were pretty awful, and I should probably warn you that one of them is potentially upsetting. And yes, that was the winner.
And while 2019 was a good start, 2020 was a particularly awful year, for obvious reasons, and with a larger team we had even more horrific delights to choose from. Again, be warned, a couple of these might turn more sensitive stomachs.
You perhaps won’t be surprised to find that the last of those, the Reservoir Dogs-esque severed ear, was the winner. Well done to everyone, especially new arrival Natasha for her winning horrific entry.
Roll on next year!